Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback is a technique that teaches you how to control body functions and balance your nervous system, resulting in improved health.
With biofeedback, you are connected to electrical sensors that help you receive information (feedback) about your body (bio) which you are normally unaware of.
This feedback helps you focus on making subtle changes in your body functions. With training, you can bring these functions under voluntary control. Training techniques may include controlled breathing, meditation, muscle relaxation and hand warming.
Determining the methods that are right for you depends on your personal health and therapy goals. The therapist will develop an individualized treatment plan that may include any of the following:
Breathing A belt is placed around your abdomen to monitor your breathing.
Heart rate An earlobe sensor measures your heart rate and heart rate variability.
Muscle (EMG) Sensor stickers are placed on your skin over your skeletal muscles to measure muscle activity.
Sweat glands (EDR) Sensor stickers are placed on your skin to measure the activity of your endocrine system.
Temperature A sensor is attached to a finger to measure your hand’s skin temperature, which is an indication of the blood flow in your hand.
Practicing at home is important to achieve effective results from your biofeedback training. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it. You may be assigned specific exercises to practice at home, such as controlled breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, prayer/ meditation, mindfulness and more.
Goals of biofeedback training
Learn about the stress (fight or flight) response and how it affects your nervous system and health.
View your body’s signals with biofeedback equipment.
See (with monitors) how your body reacts to stress and relaxation.
Train your body (while monitored) how to change the stress response with coaching from the clinician.
Train your body how to change the stress response at home on your own.
Learn how to change your body responses in everyday life (including home, school and work).
What can biofeedback help improve?
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Chronic Pain
Chronic Back Pain
Disorders of the digestive system
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Performance improvement (for example workplace productivity, public speaking, sports, performing arts)
Raynaud’s disease
Why Biofeedback?
According to Dr. Herbert Benson and Mirriam Z. Klipper, authors of “The Relaxation Response”:
“60% to 80% of doctors’ office visits are poorly treated by drugs and surgery. Self-care, along with drugs and surgery, can bring a true integrated approach.”
Biofeedback is a safe, non-invasive, and painless therapy for children and adults.
Research has shown that, through biofeedback, people are often able to decrease or eliminate medication.
Most Americans report feeling stressed. The majority of health issues are stress related or impacted by stress.
It could be a viable treatment alternative for people who do not want to take medication, or those for whom medications have not worked well.
It is a safe treatment during pregnancy.
It helps people take charge of their own health.
Biofeedback may not be appropriate for everyone, so please discuss it with your doctor before you start.
Biofeedback may be conflict with certain psychological disorders. If you are under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist, you should pursue biofeedback therapy only if a referral from your provider.
Biofeedback may be covered by your insurance. If your insurance provides coverage, a doctor’s order for biofeedback along with the diagnosis for what is being treated is required.
Many reputable organizations have recognized the need for self-care and are now providing biofeedback therapy for their own patients. These include Children’s Mercy Hospitals, Mayo Clinics and Cleveland Clinics.
What can you expect with biofeedback therapy?
You will be in a comfortable and safe counseling office environment. The surroundings include a client, a clinician, equipment, and a computer display screen.
You may sit up, recline, or place your feet up to enhance your comfort.
The more you practice at home, the better your results will be.
On average, you can expect 4 to 10 sessions.
After the initial session, each session will last 45 minutes.
Once learned, these are lifetime skills.
Some insurance companies provide coverage for biofeedback. If you like, we can check to see if your insurance provides coverage.
Sara Howard BSN, RN, Biofeedback Clinician
18 years of experience as an RN (registered nurse) treating multiple health conditions
Professional Biofeedback Certificate holder recognized by BCIA
Certified Life Coach
Sara can share from her personal experience how biofeedback has improved her health.